BA Systèmes announces the launching of a new high performance AGV.

BA Systèmes announces the launching of a new high performance AGV.

To continue better serve the needs of its customers, especially facing the new challenges of a smart, connected and high performance industry, BA Systèmes is launching a new AGV dedicated to high production rates environments.
Called GF2, this latest AGV in BA Systèmes’ range addresses the particular needs for high production rates in
the food industry and more specifically in the bottling market.
The GF2 is a state-of-the-art Automated Guided Vehicle which benefits from the reliability and long-term
expertise of BA Systèmes in automated material handling and storage. BA Systèmes’ team has been developing
over the last months this new AGV with a special care and focus on high performance, ergonomics, safety
and easy integration of the device in its future work environment.
A more efficient, safer and modular AGV
The GF2 has been designed on a modular base, a first of its kind, to adapt easily to several industrial applications
and manage:
– Horizontal transfer and pick-up/drop-off on the floor,
on conveyors,
– Bulk storage.
The GF2 has also been designed for American automatic trailer loading with major assets like its compactness and
a very small footprint.
High performance AGV, the GF2 optimizes pallet transport and answers the needs for high flow rates as it can handle one or two loads simultaneously, side by side.
Like other AGVs in BA Systèmes’ range, the GF2 is one of the speediest AGV in the market as it can cover
2 m/s.
Choosing the GF2 for BA Systèmes’ customer will be the promise of high volume transport from production
lines to warehousing or shipment.
Compact but nonetheless robust and very strong, the GF2 also features a very high safety. Provided with
360-degree front, rear and lateral safety equipment that adapts to the kind of loads the AGV carries, the GF2
can evolve efficiently and safely within the industrial working environment in cohabitation with operators.
If the operator comes closer from the AGV, he can discover the new intuitive GUI that will provided for the
first time and improved ergonomics that will ease vehicle service and maintenance.

GF2 will be presented on BA Systèmes’ booth at Intralogistics 2018, Hall 6 stand M71, from March 20 to 23,
in Paris Nord Villepinte and at CEMAT 2018, Hall 21 stand C24, from April 23 to 27, in Hanover (Germany).