The“Davos” for logistics in e-commerce

The“Davos” for logistics in e-commerce

The 3rd edition of the DELIVER elite series takes place on 5&6 June 2018 in London​ at Twickenham Stadium, home of the England rugby team.
After two successful editions in Luxembourg and Berlin, DELIVER pursues its fast growth with 800 high level delegates​, including 500 decision makers in retail, 150 logistics vendors, 50 journalists, 50 associations as well
as 50 speakers and disruptive tech startups.
DELIVER gathers an international League of Leaders belonging to the most iconic retailers from 50 countries, 87% of them being C-level or Directors, and 72% of them coming from companies above 50 M€ in sales.
The thousands of one-to-one meetings taking place between the selected leaders represent the largest powerhouse in e-Logistics ever gathered​.
As an innovation hub in retail and logistics​, DELIVER focuses this year on retail automation (automatization in logistics and delivery, new retail concepts around self checkout and latest investments trends by venture capitalists) through its keynotes and showcased startups.
By compensating all its CO2 emissions through a reforestation program in Amazonia, DELIVER is carbon neutral​.
This edition will also be the opportunity to take stock of the progress of​, the European e-Logistics listing co-funded by the EU and inaugurated at previous DELIVER edition by Commissioner Maros
Sefcovic and MEP Karima Delli.